Christmas Plays
All plays are in the Wellington Hall at 1pm.
- Wednesday 14th December 2022 - All children from Ms Gaynor, Ms Llyod, Mrs Gillanders classes and Haven children (Ms McCarragher's)
- Thursday 15th December 2022 - All children from Mrs Stewart, Mrs Glusek, Mrs Scanlon-Marmion classes and Haven children (Ms Dudgeon's)
Ticket only entry. Cost is €1 per person with a max of two per family. (See your child's homework diary)
There will be a raffle, tea, coffee and treats after the play!
Pantomime in the Táin Theatre
Monday 19th December 2022
Children from Infants to 4th Class will be attending the pantomime 'Old Mother Hubbard's Crazy Christmas'. Children will walk to and from the Táin Theatre with school staff. The cost is €2 per child. Please complete consent forms before Friday 9th December 2022.
Film in the Library
Children from 5th & 6th Class will watch a Christmas film in the library on Tuesday 20th December. They will walk to and from the library with school staff. There is no cost! Please complete consent forms and return to the class teacher.
School Holidays
School will close for Christmas holidays on Wednesday 21st December 2022. School will re-open on Thursday 5th January 2023 at the usual times.